Moon Spectacular 2011

And when you look up into the sky
and see the sun, moon, and stars -
all the forces of heaven -
don't be seduced into worshiping them.
The LORD your God gave them
to all the peoples of the earth.
Deuteronomy 4:19 NLT

This moon was so much fun to shoot. I spent the whole evening watching it rise higher in the dark sky. As it ascended higher, the sky began to glow. Before long, it was as if the 'keeper of the lights' in God's heavens had just turned on all the ceiling globes. The night sky and everything in it - began to dance. Shadows of Light adorned the heavens and I was star struck to behold it's beauty. Awww ... the shalom beauty of God's handiwork. It never ceases to amaze me.


Just reserving the place... development to begin soon - hopefully. I love photography but had nothing but my simple cell phone camera. It actually surprised me with its quality. I got a small Nikon Coolpix S8000 for christmas - so I'm snapping away.

God always speaks to me through nature so I thot this would be fun to try. Not a pro - just love snapping pictures. Many times they are sign posts - pointing to a moment when God spoke a cherished message to me. Its fun and relaxing - a good change from the ordinary day. In my position - I don't get out and about - but I'm always looking out my windows to the world around me and God brings things up close and personal sometimes. I'm excited to share some of these moments with you.

So join me for some simple shots of His amazing splendor.

See ya back here soon.

Patrina <")>><