iHeart Butterflies

She is Beauty


She is Fragile


She is Grace


She is Free.

But the wisdom that is from above

 is first pure, 


then peaceable,




and easy to be intreated, 


full of mercy 


and good fruits, 


without partiality, 


and without hypocrisy.

James 3:17


  1. Ahhhhh....Beautiful butterflys! So much color and unique design. God really outdid Himself on these beautiful creatures!

  2. Oh Patricia, what your beautiful photos did with God's words!! Gorgeous.

  3. Thanks ladies for visiting and picking up the pencil...These were taken in my backyard sanctuary in AR...I miss the their daily visits...I am just not whole without my interaction with God's natural creation. Blessings to you all
    Patrina <")>><

  4. Beautiful fragile creatures that God has designed! Lovely photos of them!

  5. thanks for stopping by, Mary..and thanks again for sharing your feathered friends...

    patrina <")>><

  6. Beautiful photography and butterflies! It's awesome you use your talents for the Lord!

    I love macro photography and hope to buy a good lens for that soon

    1. I'm a month late...but thanks for visiting, Jephyr. I agree...I love how you use your talents for the Lord too. Macro photography is one of my favorite pass times... but I just have a simple digital camera and my cell phone. The phone camera does have a macro setting. It surprises me with its quality. I also love how the phone takes expansive panoramic sunsets!

      Patrina <")>><

  7. I just hopped over to this blog to visit with you today Patrina. You take beautiful photos! This post is gorgeous. I particularly like photos #3 and 4...so crisp and clear...look at those antennae!! And, some people attribute this to evolution? How can we deny that these creatures (and everything) were created by our Great God? Have a wonderful day! Camille


thanks for gracing my place with your gentle footprints.
Thanks for giving me the eye :)